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Chapter 6 Part 3 - Hiking, a fascinating tour and countless hexagons

HardQore S. | 10.06.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

me posing on the Giant's Causeway ^^
## PART 3 ##

After we arrived we hiked along the cliffs and I was amazed of the view below: The water was like you would normally expect from the Caribbean - crystal clear and cyan with bright sand below and no seaweed (like almost everywhere today). That fits the nearly cloudless sky and the warm air temperature perfect. Just before the rope bridge was a queue so we had to wait as well, but it wasn't too long anyways. Finally it's our turn. We went down a little stair and entered the bridge. The way like the bridge waggled and swung was kind of funny. You had a nice view down between the gaps, by the way... On the other side, there was only a small (but high) island, we enjoyed the nice view and took another 3700 photos. You could see the Scottish coast from there very clear. After a few minutes our time was running out again, so we had to return to the bus.

[b]I am the posing one in the middle of the rope bridge ^^[b]

From now on we drove straight through the country in the direction of Belfast. Time to relax and digest the whole exciting day, but only when you are able to ignore the always-talking Mr. Sexy (headphones are very useful in this case xP )...

We arrived in Belfast shortly after 8 pm, and the bus driver says that this was his longest tour since years. The bus stopped at several points and we had to say goodbye to the girls. We get off at another stop and went home.
Later this evening Friedrich and I went to the Bot in order to relax a bit, but against our expectations it was totally full of people - I've never seen such a full pub! No way to relax, but it was fun anyways. All of the girls there were responding well to the Euro vision Song Contest winner Lena, as they heard that we are from Germany. Also we met a crazy English guy, but never mind… xD

Just one more thing: I strongly can recommend this (or a similar) trip to you, it is absolutely a good investment! And prepare to take millions of photos!

Wow, I never thought that I’ll write such a novel… Oo
I hope my grammar is not that bad like Master Yoda’s… xD

See you next time!

Beyonce - Scared Of Lonely

Tina Kills | 28.07.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Angst vor der Einsamkeit

Ich bin in diesem Kampf
Und ich schwinge aber meine Arme werden müde
Ich versuche die Einsamkeit zu schlagen aber ich verliere an Zeit
Ich versinke im Sand ich kann kaum stehen
In diesem Traum bin ich verloren, ich brauche dich um mich festzuhalten
Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit

Ich versuche geduldig aber tief im innern bin ich verletzt
Ich kann nicht mehr warten, in der Nacht brauche ich Trost
Ich finde den Weg nicht, willst du mich nicht nach Hause führen?
Denn in diesem Traum bin ich verloren,
Ich brauche dich um mich festzuhalten

Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit
Ich habe Angst das der einzige Herzschlag den ich höre meiner ist
Ich habe Angst alleine zu sein, es scheint ich kann nicht atmen
Wenn ich in diesem Traum verloren,
Brauche ich dich um mich festzuhalten
Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit, Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit

Ich weine in der Nacht denn
Mein Babe ist zu weit weg um an meiner Seite zu sein
Um meine Tränen wegzuwischen also halte ich mein Kissen fest
Um mich dir vorzustellen
Werde ich deine Hand strecken und nach meiner suchen
Denn in diesem Traum bin ich verloren,
Ich brauche dich um mich festzuhalten

Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit
Ich habe Angst das der einzige Herzschlag den ich höre meiner ist
Ich habe Angst alleine zu sein, es scheint ich kann nicht atmen
Wenn ich in diesem Traum verloren,
Brauche ich dich um mich festzuhalten
Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit, Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit

Ich brauche deine Pause wenn keiner da ist
Denn ich habe diese Einsamkeit satt
Ich denke ich ertrinke, ich kann nicht alleine sein
Und in diesem Traum bin ich verloren,
Ich brauche dich um mich festzuhalten

Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit
Ich habe Angst das der einzige Herzschlag den ich höre meiner ist
Ich habe Angst alleine zu sein, es scheint ich kann nicht atmen
Wenn ich in diesem Traum verloren,
Brauche ich dich um mich festzuhalten
Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit, Ich habe Angst vor der Einsamkeit


Peter O. | 17.06.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Heute war ein langweiliger tag.

Chapter 7 Part 1 - Job, different tasks and apartment trouble

HardQore S. | 28.06.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

my apartment from outside
June, 21st 2010

Hello guys,

It’s been a while since my last Blog, I’m apologise for that, but I was kind of busy the last days and additionally I preferred to go outside to enjoy the beautiful weather instead of sitting at home and writing stuff which nobody really reads. Furthermore we have problems to access the internet in our apartment the last days. And it takes a while for me to write my Blogs anyways. Mostly every day a bit because I have other stuff to do at work... yeah, what a bridge...

Well, since my last Blog about my work placement happened a lot at my job. One of my tasks was to do a firmware update on a Dell switch and on a Cisco router (via a tftp-server I set up earlier). After that I had to configure the time zone, the summer-time and SNTP on the Cisco router, not a big challenge but I could lay a hand on Cisco devices at least... xD
Another day I had to completely disassemble a PC and assemble it with brand-new components like a Motherboard, the CPU, RAM, DVD-ROM and a power supply. After that I had to deploy that PC on some desk in the big office.
But a really ‘special’ task was to set up a notebook together with a DVB-T stick for - I bet you anticipate it - watching the Football World Cup. First I tested the functionality and searched for frequencies, after a little while I deployed it together with a beamer upstairs in some kind of meeting room. The original idea was to stream the Football games received via DVB-T to all or many PCs in the office, but any solution (I thought) I’ve found won’t work correctly at last, so it was dropped because other things are more important. Anyways, watching the games via beamer with your workmates together in a meeting room is more fun I think…
My other tasks were for example to install an Exchange Server on a virtual machine running Windows Server 2003 and install a program called Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 for doing some backup compatibility tests with the most recent version of Backup Exec. But the whole procedure was more pain than anything else because nothing worked like expected, so mostly I had to troubleshoot the different issues. However, finally it worked and I could restore a backup from version 12.5 in version 2010 on another tape.
At another time I had to install SQL Server 2005 with SQL Management Studio and programs called McAfee Endpoint Encryption and ePolicy Orchestrator for some tests again, honestly I don’t know what exactly. But same here: it won’t work, one problem after another and all the time boring troubleshooting. A complete reinstall with a new VM solved the problem at last.
Well, enough of the work for now...

We three from the Danesfort apartment had a kind of strange incident on last Monday. Actually it started 2 weeks earlier. At some beautiful morning, I was in my office yet, I got a call from Riccardo, who was still in the apartment. He told me that just a second ago were 4 strangers in our apartment standing right before the bathroom where Riccardo came from. They asked him if they can have a look at the bathroom he said. And Ric, drowsy as he was, forgot to ask who they are and what they want, he only noticed that they weren’t burglars or something like this. So it must be some official visitation...

## END OF PART 1 ##
klick on the link below to read PART 2

Chapter 7 Part 2 - Job, different tasks and apartment trouble

HardQore S. | 28.06.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

my apartment from outside
## PART 2 ##

I was really upset about that and just called the office where Kevin normally works (FGS Partnership) and talked to a secretary first and to Donal, Kevin’s boss, after that. I told them that I’m very unhappy about this incident because we had no time to prepare for the visit, therefore our whole valuables like notebooks, even money and other stuff were ‘spread’ all over the apartment plus we had no time to clean and tidy up our rooms. Honestly, I have no problems if someone wants to visit us, but we have to know that to prepare or better: somebody of us is thereby. Thereupon explained Donal that he feels bad about forgetting to give us a call, but on the other side he mentioned that he had send us a mail, but we never received one... After he had apologized that issue he promised that won’t happen anymore... Not a bit of it!
Two weeks ago on Friday Lucia, Kevin’s substitute, wrote as a mail that there would be another visitation on Tuesday at 5pm. We were happy about that massage because now we had the chance to prepare, so we wanted to clean up our apartment on Monday after work and ‘hide’ our valuables.
BUT, on Monday afternoon approximately at 4pm I got a call from another secretary from FGS: “I just want to let you know that there will be a visitation today at 5pm.” I mean... what!? Rate my reaction as typical German, but c’mon give me a break, it has to do with some kind of privacy! It’s not only that they changed the appointment without telling us and that our apartment is still kind of untidy, they gave us a call merely one hour before the visitation starts. The only excuse was (again) that Donal mails us one or two days before, but we doesn’t received a mail again except the one from Lucia I told before and that the visitation can’t be changed because the housekeepers are responsible for that. What the hell is wrong with them? If we had known that a bit earlier one of us were maybe able to go to our apartment and could accompany them. That’s it, enough I thought. I asked my boss John if I could leave recently, so that I am able to catch them up hopefully. He totally gets my point and understands so I could go.
On the way home I randomly met Ric in the bus. He knows already what is going on because I called him before. After we reached our apartment we saw a younger woman and two guys in front of the main door. Certainly I asked them if they are the ones who made the visit in apartment 37 and confronted her with the situation. She explained that they had to change the appointment for some reason and that they mailed FGS about the change on Friday (!) before. That’s why we want to talk to Kevin the next days... Also she apologized for that because she won’t be amused if some strangers would ‘browse’ her apartment and underwear or other stuff, especially without letting her know, too. Besides she let us know that there will be another visitation on Thursday at 2pm with some customers who will buy this apartment maybe after we moved out. But that’s Ok because we finally had the time to prepare and to clean up right before somebody comes.

Well, that’s all for now. Sorry again that it took so long but I hope that I’m able to post another Blog the next days. It will be hard I guess based on the fact that we haven’t internet anymore and I definitely won’t buy new access for just 4 days, if that is the cause... But I can’t imagine that... We’ll see. Otherwise I’ll write the Blog and do the upload when I’m back in Germany.

Bye ^^


Gebrueder N. | 04.07.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Gebrueder Jan & Kai Niens

Fantasy Trailer

Gebrueder N. | 18.07.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Jan Niens

Viel Spass


Philipp B. | 04.08.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Er: Was mich wundert ist, dass du mir nicht längst den Rücken gekehrt hast.

Sie: Ich bin doch nicht deine Putzfrau!


Ceilteach | 08.08.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0


Jenny M. | 19.08.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Hurra, der Pumuckl ist da XXDDDDD

Nein, ich bin da . Ich wohne schon seit meiner Geburt in Schwerin und suche zur Zeit eine Ausbildung als Industriekauffrau. Ich bin noch solo, aber nicht für einen ONS zu haben XDDD. Ich mag

LG an Steffi, ja ich bin nachhwer wieder im Forum online. Grüsse mal Sven von mir.

Agathe Bauer Songs

Jenny M. | 19.08.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Kennt jemand eigentlich diese Agathe Bauer Oma fiel ins Klo Songverhörer Songs? Ich finde die echt GOOOILLLL

Hören auf


Jenny M. | 19.08.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0


Besucher Dreihundertzwölf | 21.08.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0


Besucher Dreihundertzwölf | 21.08.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0


Besucher Dreihundertzwölf | 22.08.2010 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

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